Saturday 4 October 2008

here again

we had a wonderful few days in Haworth last weekend. Our guest house was superb. It is called 'Aitches' and is run like a really good hotel by David.The breakfasts were all locally sourced and as much as one could possibly eat. Since I never cook except porridge at breakfast time, I had two fat free slices of bacon and 2 fried eggs for the three breakfasts we had.saturday we explored Haworth and visited the Parsonage. I was very lucky and managed to get the price reduced on a paper back Oxford Companion to the Brontes because the cover was bent.I've been to Haworth before and have always had a strong sense of the girl's presence. this time I was thinking about Their father. How did he manage with all his children dead?Despite his losses he soldiered on.
The weather was so good we were able to have a 'cuppa' sitting outside and ditto with our 'bijou lunchettes'. Noone needed much lunch. Then we explored all the little shops. I was lucky and found the first three Josephine Tey's for 50p each. I think we all found books we liked.In the pm we went to East riddlesdownn Hall and another online friend joined us. it's great to meet people and find they're as nice as one expected. the Hall is one of those places which despite being stately one feels one could live there very cosily.Both sat and Sun evenings we ate in the Black Lion( I think that's its name)where Branwell bronte used to do his drinking. the meals were excellent and the service great . We found whereever we were that people were pleased both to see us and to serve us.Very different from Surrey.
Sunday we went to Bolton Abbey, which is set in lush, green dales with a river running through. We were pleased we were there early because as we left most of the families in that part of Yorks seemed to be arriving. we decided to go on to Skipton, which was buzzing. My friends went to see the castle. I didn't because I've been before and knew I couldn't manage the stairs. I 'reccied the Charity shops. We all did well but none of us bought in the Heart Foundation because they charge far too much. It's much better to sell lots than hardly anything. I find this especially in Brighton that all the charity shops charge too much yet in Norwich and Liverpool there were Oxfam books mainly and they were really fairly priced consequently between my brother and I we spent quite a bit.
As usual when i've been in good company it took me time to adjust to being alone again, hence no posting. Noone wants to read miseries.
I took a very unusual book with me 'The Night Library' Alberto Manguel. Manguel has written widely on books and reading. this is about libraries. he has had the good fortune to be able to build a library in France. In the daytime it is his study and place of work but at night he sits in a comfie chair , thinking about his books and reading.Each chapter is about different aspects of libraries for example 'The Library as Myth'. he discusses ways of ordering a library Dewey Decimal, Library of Congress, by genre etc. His love of books and reading shine through.He quotes from the Aztec Codex from 1524, which is in the Vatican Archives at the end of the book and it sums up how many of us feel about books and reading.
Those who read,those who
tell us what they read,
those who noisily turn
The pages of their books,
Those who have power over
red and black ink
And over pictures,
those are the ones who lead us,
guide us, show us the way.
This is a book I shall buy when it comes out in paper back because each chapter has profound things to say and to think about.
Now I've finished my wanderings until December I shall try to write every day. i have so many books to talk about.

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