Sunday 25 May 2008

Sunday salon

Once again it's sunday and by the seem I've not written since last Sunday. I find time is just skating the time it doesn't feel that so much time has passed but then I stop and think and find it's nearly the weekend again.this will be faifly brief because I have to pack for my trip to Switzerland. My tum is in turmoil because I don't like flying actually I think it's the airports I don't like. I'm flying from Gatwick just down the road. taxi picking me up at 5.15 Wed. morning.However, I did just want to write about an Edith Wharton book, which I've just read. I found it by chance in the library and it's not one I've ever heard of. It's 'The Children'. It would also make a marvellous film. Martin Boyne is in his thirties an engineer and on a ship he meets this 15 year old girl trailing several children. They adopt' him when they find out that in the past he knew their parents.This book is about a man's love for a young girl, dysfunctional families and the life of the super rich prewar in Venice. Every character is so well delineated that I felt I knew them all. Also Boyne has a 'lady' friend whom he has known for years but she was married:Now a widow they meet up in Switzerland closely followed by the children.This gives us an opportunity to learn about his friend, who I found to be a manipulator.I just couldn't put this book down. It is or my copy was a Virago publication.
When I'm back I'll wander over to the blogs of those who contact me and have a chat with them.


Anonymous said...

Have fun! At times I don't feel like reading. All I want is to sleep!

My SS post!

John (@bookdreamer) said...

It was in 1929 as The Marriage Playground and in 1990 as The Children

samantha.1020 said...

Time flies for me as seems I can neverc find enough time to read.

Anonymous said...

there is a film of it Daphne. Ben Kinglsey and a host of stars. Producer was Tony Palmer and it was on Channel 4. I am currently in correspondence with them to see if they will ever dvd it. Only available on video and only in the US!

StuckInABook said...

Hi Daphne - my snail mail address is:
10, Regent Street

I can't wait for the postcard!

Marie Cloutier said...

I haven't heard of that particular Wharton book- sounds interesting. thanks for talking about it! :-)